Regency Friday Fun With Guest Author, Erica Ridley

I’m so pleased today to be hosting another Regency gal, the very talented Erica Ridley.  Erica writes Regency-set historical romances, often with a touch of paranormal.  Her debut novel, Too Wicked To Kiss, exploded onto the scene with a truly impressive number of stellar reviews and accolades, including this one from Publishers Weekly: 

Ridley’s debut is an enticing marriage of Regency romance and murder mystery…Evangeline, a young yet determined heroine, is the true star of the novel as she allows herself to love while making serious plans for her future. Plenty of violence, romantic tension, and sensual love scenes will leave readers eager for the sequel.

Sounds pretty darn enticing, doesn’t it?  Here’s Erica’s cool trailer for Too Wicked To Kiss, which gives you the flavor of the book.

Too Wicked To Kiss also received a coveted 5 star review from Romance Junkies, and a brilliant cover quote from one of my absolute favorite authors, New York Times bestselling suspense author, Karen Rose.  Here’s what Karen had to say about the book:

Darkly sensual, Erica Ridley’s TOO WICKED TO KISS is a skillful blend of Gothic mystery and steamy romance. Living, breathing characters, a classically foreboding setting, and twists and turns to keep one guessing come together in a deeply satisfying tale.

Trust me.  When it comes to mystery and steamy romance, Karen knows what she’s talking about and Too Wicked To Kiss fits the bill.

Erica’s latest book is Too Sinful To Deny, and it’s another sexy, Gothic historical romance.  And thank God for that, because there just aren’t enough Gothic romances on the shelves these days, IMHO.  Too Sinful To Deny steps into the gap.

Here’s the blurb for Too Sinful To Deny:


One look at the towering ocean-side manor that is to be her new home, and exiled socialite Susan Stanton knows: This is a place haunted by secrets and riddled with menace.

For Susan, there is no escaping it. At best she can stay clear of the most dangerous element of all–dark-haired smuggler Evan Bothwick, a man whose shaded countenance cannot hide his wicked intent.

But Susan has a secret of her own–a special gift that renders her privy to the darkest mysteries lurking within the walls of the manor and in the labyrinthine cellars beneath. And the only man who can help her make sense of it all is Evan, the very scoundrel and rogue she would do anything to be able to resist…

Yum!  I am so there, Erica.

You can read an excerpt of the book and find the handy buy links to all your favorite retailers on Erica’s website.

And while you’re on Erica’s website, spend some time looking around.  It’s an incredibly interesting and entertaining site – one of the best I’ve ever seen.  In addition to all the usual info on Erica’s books, there are extra features like an author scrapbook, bad jokes, good quotes, and fun contests.  But one of the best features on the site is Erica’s Scandalsheet, a Regency tabloid that will provide you with on-dits and bits of scandal to enhance your enjoyment of Erica’s books.  Don’t forget to check out the pirate translator!

As if that wasn’t enough, Erica also has several free downloads on her site, including two novellas in anthologies with such acclaimed authors as C.L. Wilson, Virginia Henley, Tessa Dare, and Elizabeth Hoyt.  You can check out those free downloads here.

As you can tell, Erica is a smart, entertaining author and that totally shines through in her books.  If you haven’t read her before, here’s your chance.  Check out her novellas and then walk don’t run to the nearest bookstore or on-line retailer for her books.

Erica has graciously donated a copy of Too Sinful To Deny to the blog today.  Since her books contain elements of the Gothic, let’s talk about that.  What’s your favorite Gothic novel?  Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, or did you grow up reading all those great Victoria Holt books?  One person who comments today will win a copy of Erica’s fab new book!