I’m guest blogging today at Not Another Romance Blog, doing a really fun interview and giving away a copy of My Favorite Countess.  Be sure to stop by and join the fun!

Reader alert:  I’ll be having some great authors appearing on my blog in the next few weeks, including the fabulous Kate Noble on May 27, and Sally MacKenzie on June 6.  Sally will be talking about the last book in her acclaimed Naked series, The Naked King.

And for a bit of a departure from my usual historical fare, I’ll be doing a feature on Elisabeth Naughton and her sexy new contemporary anthology, Bodyguards in Bed.  That will be on June 1, and I can already feel the heat!

The features will include a chance to win books by these wonderful authors, so don’t forget to visit on those dates.

Happy Reading, and see you out on the internet!