Guest Author: Kieran Kramer & Giveaway!

I’m so thrilled to have a special guest on my blog today—the fabulous author of humorous Regency romances, Kieran Kramer!  Kieran’s debut novel, When Harry Met Molly, was a breakout hit on the romance writing scene.  It’s the first book in her Impossible Bachelors series, and it garnered rave—and I do mean rave—reviews, including starred reviews from both the Library Journal and Booklist.

It also received this Top Pick Review from RT Book Reviews:

“You’ll smile and even laugh out loud reading Kramer’s delectable debut—even the title’s nod to the famous film elicits a grin. With her perfect sense of pacing, comic timing, poignancy and marvelous characterization, this utterly enchanting new voice will have you eager for more.”

Books two and three in the series are Dukes to the Left of Me, Princes to the Right and Cloudy With a Chance of MarriageBesides having FABULOUS titles, they also received great acclaim, including more Top Picks and starred reviews.  And no wonder—I can assure you that Kieran’s books are delightful, romantic reads.  If you haven’t read the first books in the Impossible Bachelors series, you really must!

Kieran has a new book coming out in November—If You Give a Girl a Viscount—and it promises to be just as much fun as her earlier books.

Kieran is here today for a fun little interview, giving us a glimpse into her writing life.  Please welcome the wonderful Kieran Kramer to the blog!

Hi Kieran!  It’s so great to have you here with us.  I have a question I’ve been dying to ask—who are some of your favorite Regency rakes, real or fictional?

Oh, my goodness, I have *one* huge Regency crush–who else but Mr. Darcy? But I also fall madly in love with Mary Balogh’s heroes!

When you’re writing a book, do you avoid reading other Regency historical romances?  What genres do you like to read instead?

When I decided to get published, I thought, “I should do what the successful people do, and maybe I’ll be successful, too.” And so I listened to every word that came out of Debbie Macomber’s mouth. One thing she said was that she reads outside her genre when she writes (which is why she loves Regencies, LOL!). Anyway, that habit really resonated with me. So I have missed out on lots of great Regencies. I’m dying to read Sarah MacLean’s ELEVEN book, Julia Quinn’s ALMOST LIKE HEAVEN, and loads of other Regencies.

To be honest, when I got published, I wasn’t reading a whole lot of Regency historicals other than Julia Quinn and Mary Balogh’s. I had read a huge stack of Signet Regencies in college, but then I moved away from historical romance in general for a long time. Mary Balogh, Amanda Quick, and Julia Quinn brought me back, not that others couldn’t have done the same, but I had lots of other reading interests to indulge, too, all those years. During that more “contemporary “era,” I was reading lots of Jennifer Crusie, Jayne Anne Krentz, and Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I also fell in love with Janet Evanovich and Sue Grafton. I also read a lot of non-fiction and re-read some classics, including children’s classics with my kids.

Does music help you write? Do you put together play lists for each book? If not music, what other creative techniques do you use to spark your imagination?

Yes, music helps me a lot when I write. But I’d say 50% of the time I write in total silence. It depends what is required in the scene and what my brain needs to get creative. The closer I get to deadline, the more I listen to music. I don’t come up with playlists book by book–I tend to stick with the songs that inspire me all the time. This list I came up with on my Spinsters Club blog covers some of the basic tunes that rev my Muse.  Music, movies, going on a walk with my dog, hanging out and listening to stories from family and friends, reading the newspaper, surfing the Net…those are my indulgences that grease the rusty cogs of my imagination.

Thanks so much for being with us today, Kieran!  Just for my readers, Kieran will be giving away an extra special treat–a Regency-inspired porcelain tea bag rest along with some “tea time” goodies and a signed copy of Cloudy With a Chance of Marriage(Kieran’s cat Joon is not part of the giveaway!)


Kieran and I thought it would be fun to talk about books—what have you read recently that really knocked your socks off?  And if you have any questions for Kieran, feel free to ask!

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85 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I am currently reading “My Beloved” by Karen Ranney. Its a very good book with the torchered hero that I love to love!!
    I really like the sound of your books and the light humor that you put into the titles. I look forward to reading them.

    • Thank you, Bettysunflower (and I have to say, I LOVE your name!!). I’ll have to add Karen’s book to my own TBR list, which is always growing. But that makes me happy. I can never NOT have a book to read! I’d go crazy, LOL!!

  2. First of all, I must say I love the Impossible Bachelors series & can’t wait for Lumley’s book.
    I am reading How To Seduce a Scoundral by Vicky Dreiling.

    • Dear Sue, Thank you very much for the sweet compliment. What a great way to start my week. I hope you’ll enjoy Lumley’s book!

      And I love Vicky’s writing. She’s so witty and fun as a writer, and she’s the same in person. She’s also incredibly nice! :>)

      • Vicky’s book is another one currently teetering in my TBR pile!

        Kieran, it’s so lovely to have you on the blog today – thanks so much for joining us!


    • Dear Monika, Wow!! Thanks for all the enthusiasm about Harry and Molly’s story. It means so much to me to hear that readers loved it. It holds a special place in my heart, of course, since it’s my first published book.

      Ashley March is a super writing talent and a lovely person. She’s got a lot of sparkle in person AND on the page! I know she’ll be thrilled to hear you love her–I’ll pass it on. :>)

      • Both Ashley and Kieran are lovely women and uber talented writers!

  4. Hi Kieran and Vanessa!!!

    I am reading a new author Sierra Dean A Bloody Good Secret. This is a paranormal series and it puts me in mind of Nalini Singh’s Angel series. This is the 2nd full book in the series. Really great writing in my opinion.

    Lisa B

    • Dear Lisa, Sierra’s going on my list, too. I want to read more paranormals! Thanks for a great suggestion, and I really appreciate your stopping by!!


  5. I just read The Doctors Baby by Cindy Kirk and it was awesome. The 1st book of hers I have ever read. It was difficult to put it down but I did read it in 1 afternoon. It was so amazing how 2 people over come a situation and then fall madly in love with each other.

    • Christine, don’t you love when you pick up a new author and you find out you adore her writing? It’s always such a great day for me when that happens (and then I get her entire back list and read it straight through!!!).

      Thanks for sharing, and Cindy goes on my reading list, too. Every book y’all mention here today will. Because people don’t mention books lightly…each of these books struck a chord in you, and I want to read them, too–not only as a writer, to see how other writers accomplish the difficult goal of drawing in their readers, but as a reader.

      The reader in me always comes before the writer.

      • Kieran and Christine, the new-to-me author that I recently started reading is Jill Shalvis. Of course, I’d heard many people rave about her books, but when I read Simply Irresistible earlier this year – wow! Knocked my socks off. Now I’m glomming onto her entire backlist. So much fun!

  6. Love all those authors as well, all are wonderful writers. Sure you don’t want to give away the kitty too. Thanks Debbie

    • Aw, Debbie, Joon is sitting right next to me, and she just meowed not two seconds ago! Can she READ what you wrote?!? LOL!! She’s one of my sweet pair of kitties–I also have her brother Benny. We adopted them from a pet rescue when they were four months old, and we love them SO much. They’re now almost two years old and have never been outside (we live too close to a very busy corner). But they have a great life and all sorts of kitty castles to play in.

      Joon loves to pose for the camera–can you tell she’s doing that in the giveaway picture? Seriously, every time I pull out the camera, she falls into that sort of “model” pose.

      Yes…I’ve turned into a cat lady. As the kids get older and it gets harder to find someone to love up on during the day, I just pick up a kitty and give ’em a little squeeze before they wriggle away.


  7. I just finished reading My favorite countess yesterday and that’s one of my favorites this summer. 🙂 I love When Harry met Molly too. Another book that I enjoyed this summer is Just Like Heaven although my favorite Julia Quinn book will always be It’s in His Kiss….

    • Wow!! Is this the May I know from RT and RWA? Please write back and let me know. And if it’s a NEW May in my life, that’s fabulous, too. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment!

      • Thank you so much, May! So glad you enjoyed my Countess.

  8. I have just found Candice Hern and I am enjoying her books on my Kindle. Also just finished Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue by Stephanie Laurens. Will have to order both of Kierans books and yours Vanessa as I haven’t found either of yours in the local Walmart and my town doesn’t have a book store.

    • Hey, Donna! I’m so sorry your Wal-Mart is low on books, but that’s not uncommon, sadly.

      I spoke not too long ago to my local Wal-mart distributor. The recession has even affected Wal-Mart–that and the e-book phenomenon–so they’re streamlining their book-selling area for those two reasons.

      I’m thankful we have Amazon and and various other outlets to buy the books online…especially now that Borders is closing their stores, too!!! My local Borders is gone now, and it breaks my heart.

      I’m keeping my fingers crossed B & N stores will stay open, as well as Books-A-Million. I heard Books-A-Million is doing all right because they started diversifying their stock a while back. You can go in there and buy games, gadgets, etc. A lot of stuff other than actual books! And because B & N got into the Nook business, they’re staying afloat, too.

      Thank goodness!!

      • A great online book store is They sell used books at a pretty good price and they also don’t charge shipping. On top of all that the money raised goes to libraries and literacy projects around the world. Good books, good prices! Check it out.

    • Thanks for your support, Donna. It’s very frustrating for readers these days – fewer and fewer places to find books. It seems like Amazon and on-line ordering sites are the best places to go, but it sure cuts down on the browsing and impulse buy factor, doesn’t it?

  9. Loved when Harry Met Molly and am hoping to get the next one soon. I just finished reading Stephanie Laurens “Cynster” books. They are wonderful books.

    • Breanna, I’m so glad you liked Harry and Molly! The next one is Dukes to the Left of Me, Princes to the Right (Nicholas’s book). But you can read them out of order. The third one is Cloudy with a Chance of Marriage (Stephen’s book).

      Thanks for visiting with me here today!

  10. i’m currently reading baby love by catherine anderson and i’m totally love this book and can’t put it down when read this book, i always love her book especially from comanche series

    since i love reading book so much, so all genre book i love to read. from HR, i love all johanna lindsey and lisa kleypas’s book other from YA, romance suspence and paranormalcy romance.

    your book sound interesting kieran, i will add to my list

    thank you vanessa and kieran for this giveaway.

    • Hi Eli! Sounds like you’re reading some great books!

    • Eli, thank you for coming by to say hello. All the authors you mentioned are amazing!

      I hope you’ll enjoy reading one of my Impossible Bachelors books. There are four in all.

      And now I’m working on a new Regency series called The House of Brady. The first book is about Lady Marcia…

      Does that ring a bell?


  11. The book I read recently that has “stuck” with me is Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. It’s a story of friendship that spans three decades and it was wonderful. It’s shows everything that we are as women and friends. It was nice to read a book about friendship and what it means to us as women. I would recommend this to anyone. Make sure and have Kleenex handy. You don’t want to end up crying at the dentist’s office with nothing to wipe the tears and blow the nose. Also, people look at you strangely when you break out into tears for no apparent reason at the dentist’s office 🙂

    • I love everything by Kristin Hannah!! This book made me cry, too. In fact, when I met Kristin Hannah at a booksigning once, I burst into tears. It was so embarrassing, LOL!!! I told her I just loved her so much and that I was getting the book for my sister named Kristin whose son was off to Afghanistan…

      And she stood up and gave me a big hug.

      Now we have the same editor .

      Oh, boy. When I’m a fangirl, I’m REALLY a fangirl!!! I haven’t seen Kristin since that day, but when I do, I’m going to remind her how much it meant to me…how kind she was.

      Thanks for stopping by, Andi!!

      • Kieran, that is such a lovely story! What a small world too, eh?

  12. I read Never Enough by Lauren Dane this past weekend and I loved it. Great book and part of awesome series.

    • Hey, Crystal! Okay, Lauren Dane’s on my TBR list now. Thanks for visiting!! :>)

  13. I really loved “My Favorite Countess” and not just because it’s your blog!! I’m looking forward to reading all of Kieran’s books!!

  14. Cate, it’s such a pleasure being here today with Vanessa. The best part about being in the writing business is the lovely people you meet, both writers and readers!

  15. A keeper shelf book this year for me was Julie Anne Longs, What I did for a Duke, it was splendid.

    • Julie Anne is a fabulous writer – one of the best historical romance writers out there, IMHO!

  16. Kathleen, I hear such wonderful things about Julie Ann Long’s latest book!!! She’s a big talent. “Splendid” is a great word to apply to her stories!!

    Thanks for chatting with me here.

  17. I meant to tell everyone that you can always catch me on my Facebook page at I’ll be doing a contest soon.

    And I check Twitter several times a day, too. My handle is kierankramer


  18. A shameless plug for your “My Favorite Countess” I really enjoyed it!! And I’ve got Kieran’s on my TBR pile!

  19. Is Joon a brown tabby with orange undertones? Tabby’s are the sweetest cats.
    I have read some great historical’s lately and just last night finished Shana Galen’s The Making of a Gentleman, which definately knocked my socks off and earlier this week her new book Lord and Lady Spy which is also fantastic.

    I love When Harry Met Molly, haven’t read the rest yet. My TBR list is embarrassingly long. I also read other genre’s so I get really behind.

    • I’m currently awaiting the arrival of Lord and Lady Spy from Amazon. I’m really looking forward to this book!

    • Hi, Gayle!! Yes, Joon is that dark tabby color with orange undertones…I think she must have some Calico in her. My husband and I agree with you about Tabbies. Why are they so sweet? They just are.

      Shana is a delightful person–so classy and smart! I’m thrilled with her success. The trailer to Lord and Lady Spy was really cute. :>)

  20. Vanessa, this was such a great interview 😉 Your book is on my ever growing TBR!

    I’m now bummed that the cat’s not included in the giveaway 😦

    Hey Lady K.!
    Are you sure you don’t want to include the little kitty?! I can assure you I have lots-a-room in my house 😉

    I just got done w/eARC of Katy Madison’s book (Oct. 25) “ALL ABOUT SEDUCTION” in which she had her hero a plain dude that worked in a mill, had big dreams, and after an accident he is faced with dire prospects. The heroine was plain, strong and faithful woman whose husband is 70 yrs. old owner of that mill, and is demanding she get ‘with child’ with one of the ‘aristocrats’ he invites to their home for that purpose.

    The way this author wrote this plot was so touching and so real that it brought tears and smile to my face every time those two were together. What made it so different were the scenes of seduction which were awkward, yet tender…

    Best to both,
    Jenny Brown Fan2Author Interview 9/12/2011

    • Mel, Katy’s book sounds awesome!

      And thanks so much for all your support – I appreciate it!

      • Mel, I love how you described Katy’s book! I’m dying to get my hands on it! I love an author who can make you laugh AND cry at different parts of the book. And I love to read a sex scene that’s different–“awkward yet tender”…that intrigues me. It sounds so real.

        Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for all the support you give the romance world on your own website!! :>)

  21. I love a good title, and I think When Harry Met Molly is one of the best. I added it to my TBB list when I first heard it mentioned, bought it, read it, and was hooked on the series. I’m looking forward to If You Give a Girl a Viscount.

    Today I’m reading Kristan Higgins’s soon-to-be-released Until There Was You. It’s a twist on the reunion trope (my fave) with a former bad-boy hero and LOL moments. I’m loving it.

    • Hey, Janga! Thanks for stopping by. The new KH book sounds like a great read!

    • OMG. Do I ever LOVE Kristan Higgins. This past spring, when I met her, I’d heard all kinds of good things about her but hadn’t yet managed to read one of her books this past spring. So anyway, I was sitting next to her at the Nora Roberts’s booksigning at Nora’s store (Nora was to Kristan’s right–I felt like I was in very exalted company, LOL!!!), and Kristan was cracking jokes and she was very funny and nice. So as soon as I got home, of course, I read one of her books and fell instantly in love with her writing. And then I was telling myself, “You were sitting next to her!!! And you had no idea she was such a genius at romantic comedy!!” I could have kicked myself. It was probably a good thing I hadn’t read anything by her at that point because then I would have gone all fangirl over HER–maybe I wouldn’t have cried, the way I did with Kristin Hannah, but I would have been annoying in some way, I have no doubt!!

      Janga, thank you for being such a supportive reader!!! I appreciate that so much. I wish you all the best, and please do come by and see me sometime on Facebook. :>)

      • See when I write so fast, I need to edit myself! LOL! THIS PAST SPRING…I said it twice.

  22. I recently read Lori Foster’s When You Dare and loved it. I have read book two, Trace of Fever, and I am currently working on book three, Savor the Danger. I love these men who walk the edge of honor!

    • Sheri, I loved that series, especially Savor The Danger. He was an awesomely sexy hero.

    • I love that phrase, Sherie:

      Walk the edge of honor

      It sounds like they have to make a lot of hard choices in these books!!! Thanks for the recommendation. :>)

  23. I just finished Karen Ranney’s ‘Autumn in Scotland’ and before that Nora Roberts Bride Quartet series. There’s nothing better than a hot cup of tea with honey, on a cool fall day, reading ‘delightful, romantic’ book.

    • Great choices, Diane!

      • Oh, lord, and autumn in Scotland truly IS beautiful!! I went to college there my junior year. Diane, I agree that a nice hot cuppa and a good book is HEAVEN!!

        In fact, I just went out and bought the cutest teapot and two matching mugs today at Pier One. I’m going to give them away on Facebook in the next month. They’re perfect for fall.

        Thanks for saying hello!!!

  24. Hi Kieran and Vanessa!

    Great interview, thank you for sharing Kieran!

    Please do not enter my name in contest, already have book! 🙂
    In fact, I have book #1 and #2, I’m just waiting to get my hands on ‘If You Give A Girl A Viscount’.

    I will take the porcelain tea bag rest along with some “tea time” goodies though! *wink*
    Don’t you just love Pepperidge Farm cookies?!!
    I do make my own homemade cookies, but sometimes store bought cookies are just a might bit faster.
    I can never decide which is my favorite…..Milano Melts, Sausalito, Chessmen or Verona. Mostly, with my tea, I enjoy variety, so I end up buying their cookie collection box `Entertaining’. LOL!!
    Sweets….my downfall. *^_^*
    Any favorite cookies for you ladies?

    As far as what I last read, I did finish Karen Ranney’s series Tulloch, with the last book A BORROWED SCOT, wonderful read!
    IN BED WITH A HIGHLANDER by Maya Banks was also a just read book. I’m finishing up SEVEN YEARS TO SIN by Sylvia Day.
    For my next book it’s a toss up between BY HIS MAJESTY’S GRACE by Jennifer Blake or HIS AT NIGHT by Sherry Thomas.

    My TBR pile is a bit out of control, soooo many wonderful books, so little time! I need more hours in the day! LOL!

    Have a super Monday ladies!

    • Thanks, Dalila! I am a total fiend for Pepperidge Farm cookies. I ate them growing up in NJ, but I was very sad when I moved to Canada and couldn’t find them. Fortunately, we now get them. Whew!

    • Dalila, your TBR list sounds as out of control as mine, LOL!!! And about Pepperidge Farm cookies, nothing makes me happier than getting a sampler box of them. I love picking and choosing different ones, the same way I love to get a box of chocolates.

      Thanks for visiting and for reading my books! That means the world to me!

  25. I’m currently reading The Whisper by Carla Neggers. I just love books that are set in Ireland. Thanks for the contest. I have to admit, I’ve never read one of your books. But, I’m intrigued. I enjoy historical romance.

    • Dear Loopy Librarian, the fact that you chose that moniker suggests to me that you’d enjoy my books! You sound fun! My books are lighthearted reads. But I also really do believe in love and honor and happy endings and staying true and connected to everyone else…so I have a sentimental/serious side, too.

      One thing I put into all four of my Impossible Bachelors books is a poem, at least one per book.

      If you get around to reading them, I’d start with When Harry Met Molly. Please let me know what you think if you do!!


  26. I also have so much in my TBR list, but one author I always go to when something new comes out is Mary Balogh, lover her heroes also! 🙂 Yours will be added to my never-ending list (but that’s a good thing right). Can’t wait to read them.

    • Mary Balogh is a gorgeous writer, isn’t she, Eva?

  27. I recently read Never Enough by Lauren Dane and Archangel’s Blade by Nalini Singh and both were just amazing stories.

    • These two books have come up more than few times – I’ve got to add them to the list!

  28. High five on the Mary Balogh love!!! I adore that woman. She writes the BEST books. I can’t get enough of her heroes, either.

    Thanks for stopping by, Eva!!!

  29. Thanks, Vanessa, for introducing me to another new-to-me author. I too am intrigued by the titles, blurbs, and excerpts. Can hardly wait to read them all (but would love to start with CWACOM; fingers are crossed, which is mighty uncomfortable when trying to type quickly)!

    Kieran, I read a book that had me LOL and then in tears (in a VERY BUSY medical clinic waiting room, no less), but you might not be interested because it’s a contemporary romance: A BLAZING LITTLE CHRISTMAS anthology that includes Kathleen O’Reilly’s DEAR SANTA… OMG, every time I was quiet for a bit, along would come a very funny situation, dialogue, etc. and I was laughing again … and again … and again. It was amazing to me when I cried not four pages later, though – especially since it was an anthology, so there are fewer pages to tell that story. Now that’s what I call a talented writer!

    I also have Kristan Higgins on my to-buy list because Wendy Warren, another author, had blogged that Kristan does a wonderful job with pets in her novels, plus she’s funny/witty. Gotta love that combo!

    • I love the laugh-out-loud/cry books! Best combo!

    • HI, Laney!! I love to read contemporaries–in fact, that’s what I read more than anything else these days.

      My husband knows that my favorite way to get ready for Christmas is to read Christmas anthologies…I’ll do any time period when it comes to holiday books. So thanks for the recommendation.

      I think my all-time favorite Christmas anthology story is written by Jennifer Crusie–it’s called HOT TOY in an anthology called SANTA BABY. She is SO funny and such a great writer!!

      I’m really glad you stopped by, and please let me know if you ever read one of my books–I’d love to know what you think.


  30. Welcome Kieran,
    Can’t wait for your Nov. release. One of the best books I read during the summer was Pamela Clare’s “Breaking Point.”

    • I’ve heard lots of good things about Clare’s book, Jane.

      • Jane, Hello! All righty, I got Pamela’s book on my TBR pile now! I love looking up authors on the internet, and she sounds really good. Thanks!

  31. I have really loved Cynthia Eden’s Eternal Flame and Susan Adriani’s The Truth About Mr. Darcy!
    I was about to say, “WOW! Giving away a cat– that’s dedication!” 😉 It’s absolutely adorable 🙂

    • I love everything Cynthia writes!!

      • Thank you, Chelsea! Benny and Joon both hang out with me all day as I write. Benny sits right behind my head, and Joon climbs the super-tall cat castle next to me and chills there. They both love Striker, our black lab mix who is also a rescue pet.

        Thanks for the recommendations for my TBR pile, and I appreciate your stopping by!!

  32. Joon is such a cutie! I hope he’s featured or inspired some pets in stories. I love animals and babies in stories.

    Yesterday, I finished Justice by Karen Robards. It’s a wonderful suspense book. It kept me guessing from the start and the bantering between the hero, a Secret Service agent and heroine, a lawyer is endearing.

    • Na, I actually have a short story featuring a cat, so I hope to get that up on my website by the end of 2011.

      In my fourth book coming out soon, there’s a very brief appearance by a cat named Jinx.

      I love suspense books, too!!! Karen’s book sounds great–will definitely look for it. I love getting a fresh batch of books on my TBR list–everyone here has been so helpful with that.


      • Na, I’m a huge fan of Karen Robards. I think she has two books with this h/h, doesn’t she? One of my fave romantic suspense novels is one of Karen’s earlier ones, called Bait.

  33. All I Ever Wanted by Kristin Hannah was adorable! These books all look so good!

    • Robin, I couldn’t agree more–we’ve got some excellent titles to read if we haven’t already! :>)

  34. Thank you so much for the lovely compliments, Kieran and Vanessa! As you know, I love your writing as well. I think we need a big group hug!

  35. A surprise read for me was Darynda Jones’ book, First Grave on the Right. It was a paranormal with snark and attitude that just made me laugh out loud. I hop back and forth in my reading choices. I love ❤ romance, regency, comtemporary, paranormal, and suspense. I also love dark urban fantasy 🙂 I just love to read. LOL

    Kieran, you're a new author for me. I'm looking forward to reading your books:-)

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